Light Bits N Peace EZ

Mastered For Streaming

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The Mastered for Streaming Albums came about in an interesting way.
The levels for the Master Track were changed around 2010 to accomodate computer streaming.
The loud wars of the 70's, 80's, and 90's  were over and a new standard was established.
The botton line is that the old style way is about 4 - 6 DB's louder than todays standards.
After acquiring a properly calibrated Mastering System, I restandardized the tracks that were
mastered for CD to accomodate the streaming services and the new world wide standards for broadcast.

The Mastered for Streaming collections were Released in 2017 
All songs written, performed, recorded, and produced by Tom Shirra
All instruments Tom Shirra

Streaming Links
Spotify     YouTube     Apple     Amazon
Album Notes
© Copyright - Tom Shirra / Shirrasong Enterprises Inc. (191061596738)
The "ReMasters" collection came about when I did not like how some of the CD versions of the tracks did not always sound proper when
streamed through some sites such as "YouTube" etc. After some retrospective research I found that most of the
music before 2005 had the same issue when taken straight from CD or Vinyl. Conclusion is they changed the rules for the streaming
platforms and I was schooled in the old format such as CD and Vinyl.
Hence after hitting the books and acquiring a calibrated Mastering solution we are now able to
accommodate the needs of the current dynamic industry.
I Sing the Blues
Cosmic Cowboy
Light Bits n' Peace Ez
Rumblin' Roads
I'll See You When I Get There
Da Bassman
Haines Road Boogie
Friendly Farms
Toby Brown
Peaceful Sunset
Friendly Farms Back 40
My Quiet Place